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"Felice Friese" > wrote in news:I%xkd.73447$HA.37409

> At long last, a Trader Joe's has opened on the Cape, and the first

> arrived today. Would anyone like to make some recommendations or shall

> just mortgage the house and try one of everything?
> Felice


It could take a couple of visits to figure out what you like vs. what
they stock. There's a wall of free product sheets for the taking (also on
their website).

Products with no preservatives should be consumed quickly, before they go
bad. Don't buy large quantities of them unless you need to. I'm still
getting used to this myself.

Some products in stock are also available at other markets, perhaps for

That aside, I highly recommend Reed's "extra ginger brew" ginger beer.
And if you've never had one, buy a marinated "tri-tip sirloin steak" and
enjoy. But that's my taste!

It's not a "bring the kids" kind of market, imho. It's pretty crowded
when it's busy!

Happy hunting,
