"Margaret Suran" wrote in message
>I will try this really easy sounding chicken stew. It is made with
> chicken thighs and sounds not only easy to prepare, but delicious, as
> well. From today's N. Y. Times Food Section:
> At My Table | Nigella Lawson: Simply French: Comfort Food With Style
> November 10, 2004
> Easy coq au vin meets spicy plums and French toast in this
> unfussy meal.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/10/di...8f1844652ddfc4
Thank you, Margaret - this sounds delicious and would have gone down well
tonight, since it's so chilly.
One of these days, perhaps I'll get to New York City and we can exchange
WWII memories!
My son lives on Central Park West but will probably be relocating soon, so
there will go my bed when I visit . ;-(