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Felice Friese
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"Jack Schidt®" > wrote in message
> "Felice Friese" > wrote in message
> news:I%xkd.73447$HA.37409@attbi_s01...
>> At long last, a Trader Joe's has opened on the Cape, and the first flyer
>> arrived today. Would anyone like to make some recommendations or shall I
>> just mortgage the house and try one of everything?
>> Felice

> Apply for a's cheaper and then you can 'write if you get work'.
> Jack Empleado!

Aside from this outrageous advice (A job? Did he say a job? I'm through with
jobs, folks!) you all gave me a great starter list to take to Trader Joe's.
Unhappily, our local doesn't (yet?) carry wine, so the Two Buck Chuck is
out, but Petey, I will stay alive until tomorrow if only to buy a truffle.
Or two, or more.

Thank you all.
