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  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Hi Joe,

No, no typo...hmm, I didn't realize my pot was so much larger than
what others seem to use. The website I bought it from says it holds
"over 10 ounces" but I haven't actually measured it. So I'm guessing
it's around 10-11 ounces. I use it when I'm pouring for myself or
myself and my husband. I suppose we're really guzzling down the tea
then.. Actually, I can't remember seeing pots that are much smaller
than 10 ounces on this particular site, and many that are much larger
(which I know is not the direction I want to go if I want to do gong
fu in the way I've learned). I will have to look though to be sure.
When looking at pots sizes like 10 ounces don't jump out at me but
sizes like 24 ounces (actually anything bigger than about 12) does
make me notice.

Also, a comment on the posts that are not yet on Google groups but
which I can read from my are quite right Derek, I was
using "sink" in a more gong fu sense. I do not run back and forth to
the kitchen sink, lol. Presently I am using a regular baking pan (I am
guessing it's around 11 by 17 or some such, with a depth of around 3
inches) for my yiking sink because it's what I have to hand and it's
free which is a consideration at the moment.


(Joseph Kubera) wrote in message >...
> >Maybe my cups are a little too
> >big or something...the one holds about 5 OZ. Can't really use
> >chopsticks with it because of the weight

> Melinda, there's a disconnect here. Is the 5 oz. a typo? Yixing cups are
> usually 1 to 2 oz. I'd think a 5 oz. cup wouldn't get that terribly hot
> because of the large surface area.
> I could understand the little 1-oz. cups getting pretty hot, and for cups that
> small, the yixing tongs are perfect for dealing with the rinsing process.
> If your cups are 5 oz., how big must your pot be?
> BTW when I'm doing casual just-for-me gungfu, I often use a 7 oz. pot and a
> single 6 oz. cup, and do several steeps. If I were having guests, I'd use the
> proper practice and small cups.
> Joe Kubera