"Puester" > wrote in message
> Felice Friese wrote:
>> "Jack Schidt®" > wrote in message
>> om...
>> >
>> > Apply for a job...it's cheaper and then you can 'write if you get
>> > work'.
>> >
>> > Jack Empleado!
>> Aside from this outrageous advice (A job? Did he say a job? I'm through
>> with
>> jobs, folks!) you all gave me a great starter list to take to Trader
>> Joe's.
>> Unhappily, our local doesn't (yet?) carry wine, so the Two Buck Chuck is
>> out, but Petey, I will stay alive until tomorrow if only to buy a
>> truffle.
>> Or two, or more.
> It may never get a liquor license. Massachusetts is funny
> like that--you almost have to inherit a license from Uncle Guido.
> gloria p
I had an Uncle Louie. Would it help if I dropped his name?