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  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> >> >Ron made the most awful pot roast
>> >> >
>> >>If it tastes flat, it needs salt.
>> >
>> >And just a pinch of sugar. :-)
>> >
>> >Mom taught me that trick, and it can work wonders for recipe's where
>> >that just certain "something" is missing......

>> That must be an old trailer trash trick, couldn't bear nary a drop of

>> going anywhere but directly into their own guts. LOL

>Oh, leave her alone Shel... one of the best pot roasts going
>is made with a good dollop of cream sherry!

I give Ron lots of credit for trying to cook a pot roast. He tried and it
didn't work out. My mother made lots of bland pot roasts in the pressure
cooker. I cook them in the slow cooker and always put in some wine. They turn
out tasty. That reminds me, I have a pork roast to cook. I will brown this
and put it in the slow cooker with carrots and onons and potatoes. If I put it
in tonight you will be jealous of how the kitchen will smell Thursday morning.

>Practice safe eating - always use condiments