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On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 14:02:04 +0900, cc wrote:

> "Derek" > wrote in message
>> In the first place, and in hindsight, it's not "most" of the teapots.
>> At best, it might be a few. And, I'm not sure at this point if they're
>> yixing or not. It's quit likely that they're Japanese.

> It's unlikely. There are no Japanese yixing pots. But the big yixing pots
> with iron handles and frame exist, in China and Chinese import stores. They
> are not designed for gong-fu. The pots designed for gong-fu are a very very
> small minority of the pots on sale in Asia. The others are not "a few". It's
> logical there are more large size pots, as the Chinese rarely use pots (they
> brew daily tea in glasses or worse) and when they get the pot out of the
> cupboard, it's for an occasion, and they need to serve many guests.
> Kuri

I didn't mean to suggest that they were Japanese yixing pots. I meant
that the pots I remember seeing were likely Japanese, and not yixing
after all.


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fences, supposed normalcy, a nuclear family? Well, try growing up
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