On 2004-11-11, kilikini > wrote:
> I'd love to do scalloped potatoes, but we'd prefer to not eat the carbs.
> (TFM is becoming The Fat Man again since we got married 3 weeks ago. He he
> he.)
The only pic I've ever seen of TFM, he wasn't even remotely fat. 'Course that
pic may have been really old. Anywho, screw the Adkins diet. I was on it
for months. Sure, I lost 30 lbs on it, but eventually the losses stopped
and I was left with eating tons of meat to no advantage. I've gone to a
much more logical diet of eating less meat and more veggies and fruits. I
even eat starches now and then, just not many. I'm again losing weight and
not locked into that tired ol' meat/cheese grind. I feel better for it, too.