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>But yeah, what do we do with the leftovers? I'm going to
>try to make ham and chicken crepes with a whiskey bernaise sauce tomorrow
>and see how that works with smoked meats. It will either be really good or
>really awful. The soup is on now and smells AMAZING. But smoked chicken
>soup is easy. After choppping up two chicken carcasses, we still have 4
>smoked leg quarters left. I don't know how well it will freeze. :~(
>Any and all ideas are welcome!

A couple of weeks ago I prepared a quick lunch of ramen with diced smoked
kielbasa, was very good, especially with the sliced garlic and celery I added
too... perhaps your smoked chicken will be good in ramen too. Of course if you
have more time I don't see why smoked chicken can't be substituted for smoked
ham in split pea soup, or even bean soup... smoked chick certainly gotta be
better than tube steak.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."