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Wayne wrote:
> alan wrote

> >> So I picked up a bunch of All Clad pots & pans for my mom as her 30

>> year old Farberware set handles were pretty much toast....screws just
>> sticking out (handles broke off years ago), etc which I felt was
>> dangerous when lifting pots filled with soup, etc.
>> HOWEVER, it turns out, while she loves the new All Clad pots & pans to
>> use while cooking, they are too heavy for her as old age/ arthritis
>> kicks in.
>> Time to hit the stores again but I'd love to get some recommendations
>> if you have any of good quality, preferably lighterweight pan
>> alternatives

> For the same reasons I bought my mother a set of Revereware stainless
> steel
> pans. They have an aluminum disk on the bottom, but are nowhere near as
> heavy as All Clad. She used them for 5-6 years before she passed away,
> and
> they're still in great condition. I now have them as a second set.
> Wayne in Phoenix

I really like my Revereware. I have had it for close to 20 years and it
still looks like new. I bought open stock, so that I could buy the pieces I
wanted, and the prices were right. Weight is the reason why I only have
one Le Creuset dutch oven, since I find their pots very heavy to handle and
