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In article >,
"Cotton Eyed Joe" > wrote:

> > In article > ,
> > (neurocratic malfunction) wrote:
> >
> > > what does caviar and truffles taste like?

> >
> > I've still not tried Truffles, but eat Caviar on special occasions
> > annually. I love it, but it's an aquired taste. It's best IMHO with
> > cream cheese to tone down the saltiness.

> The best caviar - Beluga, Osetra and Sevruga - which come from the Caspian
> sea are not salty at all. But sour cream is better than cream cheese with
> caviar. Better yet, try it with creme freche. Personbally, I like cavair
> cold right out of the jar, but never use a metal spoon. Mother of pearl or
> plastic is best.

I bought some fresh Sevruga this year for the first time. :-)
You are right that it was not really salty, but it had a "smoky" flavor
to it that was interesting, but got a bit old quickly...

I've tried sour cream with caviar and really do prefer cream cheese.

I like to make caviar rolls with the cheap "romanoff" brand lumpfish
caviar. Soften the cream cheese enough to flatten it between two sheets
of platic wrap and square it off. Roll it fairly flat, the spread the
caviar evenly across the top. Roll it up and refrigerate, then slice it.

If you alternate the black and red, it makes an attractive party dish.

Lox rolls done the same way is also fun, served with sectioned slices of
toasted bagel.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra