On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 08:52:55 -0500, alan
> scribbled
some thoughts:
NOTE: Best viewed in a fixed pitch font
>Hey All -
>With the holidays around the corner, I finally need to get a good tool
>or hopefully some great advice on how to devine shrimp.
>Checked out the Shrimp Butler, but it had so-so reviews.
>My biggest gripe is for example, one time I deveining 3 lbs of shrimp
>expect that the vein was super soft/thing and it was just a horror
>pulling it out. Slicing *the top* of the shrimp was just a bloddy mess
>as the shrimp, still raw, just felt like it was breaking up in my
>I look forward to your advice or suggestions.
Well, I prefer to eat them shell and all, so I can't help
you there. Hey, if it's good enough for sea critters, it's
good enough for me. You can also think of it as eating
prepared sausages. Seriously, it's rather cosmetic and
wouldn't be too different than eating a sausage or liver.
Sincerely, | (©) (©)
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Andrew H. Carter | /// \\\
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