In search of...
I've been lurking for a few days, and I thought if anyone could help
me, it would be someone here. When I was very young, between 5 and 7,
my babysitter would feed me these pickles she had made. I remember
asking for them first thing every time I stayed there. She has long
since passed away, and only one person I've asked has known what I'm
talking about, but she didn't know how to make them. I know she used
food coloring in them as they were either bright red or bright
green...she may have called them christmas pickles. They were sliced
about as big as silver dollars and they had a very sweet, very tangy tangy, if you ate too many, your tongue would start to
burn. Some one told me they had heard they were made with "red hots"
candies, but it may have just been plain cinnamon. They were in a
syrup the consistancy of nectar or maybe a little thicker, and they
were very crisp. Has anyone ever had these? I would love to be able to
make them. I've enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for the ideas!