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In article >, alan
> wrote:

> Hey All -
> With the holidays around the corner, I finally need to get a good tool
> or hopefully some great advice on how to devine shrimp.
> Checked out the Shrimp Butler, but it had so-so reviews.
> My biggest gripe is for example, one time I deveining 3 lbs of shrimp
> expect that the vein was super soft/thing and it was just a horror
> pulling it out. Slicing *the top* of the shrimp was just a bloddy mess
> as the shrimp, still raw, just felt like it was breaking up in my
> hands.
> I look forward to your advice or suggestions.

The last time I did some major shrimp deveining I used a cheap
grapefruit knife; curved blade with serrations on the inside. I could
leverage the shell off while slicing just enough shrimp to extricate
the vein. Shrimp was for jambalaya so it didn't have to be pretty.

I understand that someone has created a similar knife for shrimp, with
the serrations on the outside of the curve.