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"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> I went to Sam's yesterday for a couple things and came home an 8.25#
> boneless loin roast. It had a nice fat cap on one side of it that I'm
> hoping will add some moisture to it when roasting. I cut it into three
> 2.5#+ roasts. AFAIC, the best part of the whole thing is that it was
> not injected with salt water by the mfgr.
> Question for you and whomever: Instead of turning all into smaller
> roasts, any reason I might not have cut some of it into slices? (Would
> that make them boneless chops?) I'm thinking that my Cherry Chipotle
> Sauce will be pretty tasty with it.
> --
> -Barb, <> Updated 10-22-04; Popovers!.
> "Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
> -Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.

If you cut it into smaller slices, they're pork medallions, Barb. Treat
them as pork chops.
