In article .net>,
Gregory Morrow > wrote:
> Hmmm...I live in Chicago (a "blue" city and state), wonder if I should build
> a bomb shelter?
> Honestly, if there were a way to force the red, e.g. Southron states to
> secede, I'd be all for it. I have more in common with Canadians or Dutch or
> Australians than I do with the morons who "voted" for Bush.
> I put "voted" in parentheses because I believe that *massive* fraud went on
> in this election, specifically in Ohio and Florida. It's *very* scary to
> me.
Ouch! That hurts, but as a once-born and bred Southrener I understand
your concerns ..and your fears. But I don't think we're guilty of
massive fraud. I believe it's *small* fraud. Sort of like the Shell
Game. We've long been victims of ADD or Concept Reflux Disease. We
lock onto one issue, terrorism, God, guns or gays, and commit to
it--all else be damned. And of course we don't understand the issue.
Take the Death Tax for example. There's not a soul in my trailer park
who's for a Death Tax. It just doesn't seem fair to tax the dead.
Unless he was killed by gunshot and he fired first. See, these issues
get complicated and confusing.