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bobbie sellers
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Peter T. Daniels wrote,

> Matthew Fields wrote:
> >
> > In article >,
> > Peter T. Daniels > wrote:
> >
> > >They're all just so inherently implausible -- kind of like, How did the
> > >eye evolve?
> > >--
> > >Peter T. Daniels

> >
> > Ever seen planaria flatworms? or octopusses? Eyes have evolved
> > something like 8 separate times,

> Are you not aware that "How did the eye evolve?" is the standard
> Creationist challenge to evolutionists?
> Obviously both eyes evolved and butter was invented, but both processes
> got a lot of 'splainin' to do.

Not really. The processes of evolution only require that acceptance
of the time involved. Light sensitive organisms usually leave the
but when the light dectection system is hooked up to a reactive nervous
system it becomes an advantage for survival and hence for reproduction.

Light sensitivity may lead to the nervous system as much as learning
to herd animals lead to taking milk from the cattle and trying to carry
it in leather bags, leads to cheese and butter. Curiously enough in
Africa the milk digestion gene doesn't work well after childhood
and cattle may be used for the extraction of blood for food and drink.

The big difficulty is acceptance of the immense time scale of
the macro universe which permits the evolution of all things.

> --
> Peter T. Daniels

bliss -- C O C O A Powered... (at california dot com)

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of cocoa that the thoughts acquire speed,
the thighs acquire girth, the girth become a warning.
It is by theobromine alone I set my mind in motion."
--from Someone else's Dune spoof ripped to my taste.