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On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:01:41 GMT, Michael Plant wrote:

> /10/04
>> On 9 Nov 2004 23:42:26 -0800, Cameron Lewis wrote:
>>> It's unusual to have the teapot handle be hot, and I second the above
>>> suggestion to avoid pouring hot water over the handle.

>> Most of the xixing teapots in my local tea merchant's inventory have
>> iron handles. One would not necessarily have to pour water directly
>> over the handle for it to become too hot to comfortably touch.

> --
> Derek
> There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive
> idiots.
> Derek,
> I'm curious: Can you post a link to an iron handled gung-fu teapot? I've
> never seen one. (Just feeling inquisitive.)
> Michael

hehehe. Somebody actually reads my .sig!

You know what? Ignore me. I'm not even sure if I'm sure what I'm sure
about anymore.

In the first place, and in hindsight, it's not "most" of the teapots.
At best, it might be a few. And, I'm not sure at this point if they're
yixing or not. It's quit likely that they're Japanese.

That said, given the appearance of many of the yixing pots I've just
found online (I did try to find a picture), the handles are small and
close to the pot. One would not have to pour water directly on the
handle for it to heat up.

After all, I have teacups that, while being quite lovely works, are
uncomfortable to use because the handle gets too hot to hold.


"What happened?" -- Senator Joseph R. McCarthy upon getting publically
pantsed by Joseph N. Welch on national television.