"Michael Plant" > wrote in message
> /10/04
>> On 9 Nov 2004 23:42:26 -0800, Cameron Lewis wrote:
>>> It's unusual to have the teapot handle be hot, and I second the above
>>> suggestion to avoid pouring hot water over the handle.
>> Most of the xixing teapots in my local tea merchant's inventory have
>> iron handles. One would not necessarily have to pour water directly
>> over the handle for it to become too hot to comfortably touch.
> --
> Derek
> There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive
> idiots.
> Derek,
> I'm curious: Can you post a link to an iron handled gung-fu teapot? I've
> never seen one. (Just feeling inquisitive.)
> Michael
Yah, me too! I've seen wrought iron Japanese types, and yixing with wooden
handles, but iron? That seems to create an imbalance, doesn't it?