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Margaret Suran
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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "Janet Bostwick"
> > wrote:
>>I don't know if it applies in this particular case, but a lot of the
>>manufacturers are addressing the weight issue by putting 'helper
>>handles' on the pans. A skillet, for instance, typically has one
>>long handle. The new pans have a grip handle on the opposite side of
>>the long handle.

> I love the pans with the helper handles -- my pressure cooker has one,
> my DeMeyere Big Mongo Kettle, the All-Clad 3-quart sauté pan. Good plan
> on their part. And the DeMeyere also has a bail handle -- the pan is a
> 10-quart, I think.

The pans with the helper handles are too large for my tiny kitchen
cabinets. I ordered a set of Calphalon (sp?) and had to return them
to Bloomingdale's.

I need a lightweight set with nonstick insides and short handles. Any
help would be appreciated. The people who need lightweight pots and
pans because of arthritis, cannot scrub the insides of the pots and
pans, either.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.