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Margaret Suran writes:
>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>"Janet Bostwick" wrote:
>>>I don't know if it applies in this particular case, but a lot of the
>>>manufacturers are addressing the weight issue by putting 'helper
>>>handles' on the pans. A skillet, for instance, typically has one
>>>long handle. The new pans have a grip handle on the opposite side of
>>>the long handle.

>> I love the pans with the helper handles -- my pressure cooker has one,
>> my DeMeyere Big Mongo Kettle, the All-Clad 3-quart sauté pan. Good plan
>> on their part. And the DeMeyere also has a bail handle -- the pan is a
>> 10-quart, I think.

>The pans with the helper handles are too large for my tiny kitchen
>cabinets. I ordered a set of Calphalon (sp?) and had to return them
>to Bloomingdale's.
>I need a lightweight set with nonstick insides and short handles. Any
>help would be appreciated. The people who need lightweight pots and
>pans because of arthritis, cannot scrub the insides of the pots and
>pans, either.
>Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Why not simply enlist the services of the nubile lad who unstopples and decants
your merlot. hehe

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."