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"Dog3" <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in message
> Hahabogus >
> :
> > Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in
> > 4:
> >

> I'm not having issues with the gift. If it turns out the party will be at
> my place (Kim and I have offered our houses up, many of the people don't
> have the means to fork over $ for a private room, food and gift)I think

> chocolate fondu suggested by kili is perfect. Since this is mainly for

> wymens folk, I'm trying to cater to them. There will only be 4 men at the
> bash. I offered to jump out of the cake but got booed. They don't want to
> see my sawed up scars. They have all seen them anyway. If I have it (I'm
> plan B) I'm going to do burgers and brats on the grill also. I'll have

> finger sandwiches, slaw, potato salad and I'm thinking a squash soup just
> for fun and the fondu. I'll have to buy a fondu pot. Any suggestions?
> Michael

Michael, West Bend makes a great electric fondue pot; I used to have one and
absolutely loved it. No sterno to worry about. I've seen them online, you
could do a google.
