"Felice Friese" > wrote in message
> At long last, a Trader Joe's has opened on the Cape, and the first flyer
> arrived today. Would anyone like to make some recommendations or shall I
> just mortgage the house and try one of everything?
> Felice
There are several things I regularly purchase at TJ'S.
The egg and dairy prices are usually lower than the stupidmarkets. The
heavy cream is a staple around the house.
Fresh squeezed OJ (unpasteurized)
Hawaiian Potato Chips and their tortilla chips (oh yes the Garlic Salsa)
Dried fruits and nuts especially the unsulfurated apricots, dried
cranberries, almonds.
The seem to have the lowest price on Steel cut Irish oatmeal as well as
Kashi cereals.
The cheeses are quite good especially the Dubliner (Irish cheddar) also
their assortment of blue's and Roquefort's.
The jars of Sauerkraut and 1/2 sour pickles (major yum)
They have a good selection of "cooking" olive oils and balsamic.
Their Cracked wheat sour dough bread makes great toast.
Best price on Vanilla beans ( I use them to flavor sugar.)
I have fopund their liquor prices high.
Don't forget Two Buck Chuck ( $1.99 Charles Shaw wine)
Enjoy the exploration.