>Melba's Jammin' writes:
>"Bill T" wrote:
>> > You must have some odd piggies in MN, or your butcher royally
>> > screwed you. I looked in my freezer for the center cut boneless
>> > pork loin I just bought last weeks shopping... you had me second
>> > guessing myself... sure enough, it weighs 5.88lbs, priced $2.99/lb,
>> > cost $17.58. Got out my trusty tape measure to be exact... my pork
>> > is 9 inches long X 4 1/2 inches diameter... (what a coincidence!
>> > hehe). Your 8 1/4 pound boneless pork loin couldn't be more than
>> > 12 inches long. Maybe what you have is a pork *tenderloin*, a
>> > whole nother thingie.
>> > Sheldon
>> > ````````````
>> I think you'll find that when you defrost it, it's folded in half. A
>> whole boneless pork loin is at least 20" long!! Bill
>Thank you! Drinks are on me. This beast was at least 24" long and a
>good 4" diameter.
Then it would weigh a lot more than 8 1/4 pounds... closer to 20 pounds... and
yoose wimen talk about men exaggerating their meat. LOL
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