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Hahabogus writes:
>What is the history of Thanksgiving? Didn't the settlers get together and
>have a Community Feast/Celibration? Wouldn't that mean many hands cooking,
>many hands sharing their bounty? ...Many friends and families sharing?
>Wasn't the First Thanksgiving similar to a Church Pot-Luck Dinner?
>I don't believe it was formal dinner parties where the host supplied
>I believe it was farmed out to the community's women folk to cook up what
>ever their men folk brought in from the fields or from the forest.
>I believe it would be closer to the true tradition, if friends and family
>gathered to share their harvest bounty and celibrate having enough to
>continue for one more year.

No one really knows a great deal about what transpired at the first
Thanksgiving but whatever it consisted of has no relation whatsoever to how the
celebration has evolved... and in fact for more years than it has been
celebrated it has not. Way back then the fork hadn't been invented as yet,
folks ate mainly by grabbing food directly off the table (no dishes either)
with their hands and ripping off mouthfuls with their teeth, those that had
teeth, or slashing off great slabs with hunting knives. How folks dined at the
first Thanksgiving has no relation to how manners/etiquette have evolved... if
you feel more to home attacking your food like a pack of hyenas please don't
stop on my account.

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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."