Thread: pizza night
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  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I thought I'd try stuffed pork loin, since it's something I've never made
before. I had two pork loins in the freezer, each about 2 1/2 to 3 lb (Kroger
had them buy one get one free a couple weeks back) and I thawed them out
yesterday and this morning. I butterflied the pork loins, and made a mix of
cream cheese, parmesan cheese, fresh parsley, and finely minced onion and
garlic, salt and pepper, and spread the mixture on the butterflied sides.
Next, I made a mixture of sauteed mushrooms, carrots and red pepper and topped
each of the mixture-spread surfaces. I tied it together with twine and salted
and peppered the exterior as best I could and put it in the oven about an hour
ago; I have to check it in a few minutes but it already smells good.

I'll make a gravy out of whatever drippings I get, and serve it with mashed
potatoes and I'll throw in the remaining parsley and cream cheese into the
mashed potatoes.

Sounds like a terrific Sunday supper to me

Michael O'Connor - Modern Renaissance Man

"The likelyhood of one individual being right increases in a direct proportion
to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong."