That's what cracks my up about canada's third world socialized health
There whole government collapses without the US.
Tort reform is a good start. Edwards will lead the charge on that right?
Richard Periut > wrote:
> The Wolf wrote:
> > And if the 45,000,000 children had mothers who weren't minority sluts
> > who don't know who the fathers are maybe they could get a job and AFFORD
> > health insurence.
> >
> > Who the **** came up with this idea that's it's the governments job to
> > take care of everybody.
> >
> > How about individual responsiblity..........
> >
> >
> > zxcvbob > wrote:
> >
> >
> wrote: >>>Bush's re-election will indeed be a pivotal
> >>event in world history. >>>It sets America in a collision course with the
> >>rest of the world, >> >>YUP he is the first president to spend so much of
> >>the future >>generation's money! > > > It was stunning with so much at
> >>stake that selfish evangelicals threw the > election to Bush because they
> >>don't give a shit about the real world and real > people. Now 45 million
> >>Americans (50 million by 2008) won't get any health > insurance because
> >>the only thing those evangelical assholes care about is > electing a
> >>president who mentions Jesus or uses evangelical code words every > 4th
> >>sentence. Now tens of millions of children won't be getting health care >
> >>because of those immoral and amoral evangelical assholes. Now millions
> >>more > Americans are going to have their jobs exported and their life long
> >>careers > destroyed because of those self centered jerks. Now American
> >>taxpayers are > going to owe Asian countries trillions of additional
> >>dollars in Bush IOU's > because the evangelical jerks are so insecure the
> >>only thing that matters to > them is having a president who mentions Jesus
> >>every day. Never mind that Kerry > was just as much a Christian as Bush
> >>and had the added benefit of not doing > the opposite of what Jesus would
> >>do 100% of the time as the case with Bush. > > The kind of Christian I
> >>respect is the man or woman who quietly goes about > following the _real_
> >>values of Christ. Someone who is not so insecure and > selfish in their
> >>beliefs they try to shove it in other people's faces. Some > ugly
> >>problems arise when people's egos get so wrapped up with Church and >
> >>Mosque they become a danger to society, themselves, and the world. > > It
> >>is important in the 21st century for everybody to understand and >
> >>acknowledge that religion -- every monotheistic religion -- has an ugly
> >>side > to it. I'm not saying that Christianity (Islam) is 100% bad and 0%
> >>good, I'm > saying that neither the country nor the world can afford to
> >>ignore the ugly > side. Lots of people automatically assume when they
> >>have kids that religion > will make the kid turn out better. But it
> >>really doesn't make that much > difference. Whether or not people
> >>understand good from bad when they grow up > generally doesn't have much
> >>to do with how much religion they were tought. > Ironically for lots of
> >>people religion can provide excuses and reasons to harm > others. The
> >>greatest danger is that placing too much emphasis on religion for > kids
> >>creates a big risk they will become a danger to society. >
> >>
> >>So what's your point?
> >>
> >>Best regards, :-) ob
> If these foaming in the mouth liberal commie assholes had their way,
> we'd be standing on a line for toilet paper very soon.
> Rich