PENMART01 wrote:
> I also don't bring a "dish" to someone elses dinner, nor do I permit
guests to
> bring any to mine (if they do it won't get served), in fact it won't even
> refrigerated, all my fridge space is planned... they are free to retrieve
> dish on their way out (I won't even peek to see what it is). I always
> guests *emphatically* not to bring anything other than a pleasant
> and an appetite, NO dishes. I think it's very rude, especially after
> told in no uncertain terms not to bring a dish they do, and then expecting
> to be served... NOT! When I host a dinner I tend to it in its entirety
> soup to nuts, including all drinks and dessert, I don't want anyone
> up my dinner menu with their kind of surprises... anyone needs to show off
> their kitchen prowess feel free to host your own dinners.
I like the concept of the host having a set's what our gang has
been doing for several years now (except for events such as summer
cookouts). We are all pretty good to excellent cooks, and monetarily we can
all afford to indulge in nice sit - down multi - course dinners every so
Last week my friend the chef had a b-day dinner for one of us - the menu was
pumpkin soup, roast duck, and a salad course to follow (with nice wines for
each course)...and that was *it*, no starches, no veg sides, no
was absolutely perfect, we were nicely sated but not stuffed. Civilized...
We're all in our 40's or older and we've had our fill of dining free - for -
alls. No more folks bringing their mystery dishes in tupperware containers,
that's strictly college kid more dinner plates in our laps or
Blossom Hill in the plastic wine cups...we've no need for a hawg trough.
I'm also to the point where I'm not making any special menus for folks, be
they vegans, deadly nightshade haters, allergic to garlic or whatever. If
I'm making duck that's what I'm having - if you don't like duck yer out of
luck...I *ain't* runnin' a restaurant.