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Jane Gillett
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In article >,
SteveR > wrote:
> My wife has a slight "comes-and-goes" temperature, and occasional mild
> bouts of the runs, together with a faintly queasy stomach. It's getting
> better, but she still isn't right.


> Any suggestions for something easy-to-prepare (preferably at the
> heat-and-eat level) that wouldn't be too hard on a queasy stomach like
> this?

> Thanks in advance,

She might take to a cup of veg stock. Suggest Marigold reduced salt veg stock
(purple tub) - our latest buy is labelled suitable for vegans ( we are not
vege in any sense but I use it quite a bit in cooking and enjoy a cup now
and then). Start with a scant teaspoonful in a mug of hot water.

If it's not in your usual shopping haunts try a healthfood shop.

Hope she improves soon; it's miserable to feel like that. I had a bad
stomach "upset" which stopped me going to the wedding of a close friend
earlier in the year and I can remember it very clearly. The worst "gut
problem" I think I've ever had, took about a week to recover.... Weak
Marigold and weak instant tea (yes, I do mean it) were the only things I
could face.



Jane Gillett : : Totnes, Devon.