Robert Barnhardt wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:57:05 -0500, "Cotton Eyed Joe"
> > wrote:
>>"Katra" > wrote in message news:KatraMungBean->
>>>I've not seen whitefish! I'll have to check that out, thanks!
>>>I agree tho', the "canned" lumpfish caviars are totally different from
>>>the fresh ones! I'm hoping that Central Market will have the paddlefish
>>>caviar this year. They will often let you "taste" before you buy so keep
>>>one jar open for that. They just give it to you straight in a plastic
>>>spoon which is ideal.
>>>I like the way it pops between your teeth. <lol>
>>Whitefish has a good "pop" to it.
> The Coney Island version, in particular.
<LOL> Are they the same as Hudson River whitefish?