pennyaline > writes:
>"SteveR" wrote:
>> My wife has a slight "comes-and-goes" temperature, and occasional mild
>> bouts of the runs, together with a faintly queasy stomach. It's getting
>> better, but she still isn't right.
>How long has it been like this? Can she drink plain water? Has she seen a
If she eats or drinks stuff, it stays down, but it's affecting her
appetite, as she *feels* off if she eats the wrong thing. Sometimes
(seems to be better now) she was having minor episodes of the runs. As
far as I can see, it's just a bug she's picked up somewhere that's
caused this, but it does seem to be getting better.
>Never mind the consommé and mashed potatoes. She just needs to keep hydrated
>right now, no matter how she thinks it *tastes*.
>Give her whatever will stay down (or let her get it herself), and get her an
>appointment for a medical work up.
Thanks. She's getting better now, so it looks like we can leave the
doctors alone on this one. I just wanted some suggestions for things
that were edible without being either over-harsh or over-bland.
(throw away the dustbin, send to stever@... instead)
Humans are way too stupid to be dumb animals.