On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 03:35:28 -0600, Katra
> wrote:
>In article <i0Gkd.325465$wV.145123@attbi_s54>,
> notbob > wrote:
>> On 2004-11-11, Katra > wrote:
>> > Ok, Now I know for sure you are a troll!!!!!!
>> Yes! ....so please don't reply to these crossposting jerks. And if you
>> must, keep it to this ng only. thnx.
>> nb
>Sorry! I did not notice the x-posts. 
>My bad!
I use Free Agent and a BIG message box pops up asking if I want to
reply to all of the other news groups or just the one I'm reading. It
only shows the one I'm reading in the "reply" though, so I guess if I
wanted to pick and choose (I don't), I'd need the pay version.