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  #257 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 16:49:37 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Now that the brother in law is gone we still have to deal with
>his ex wife. We have had a number of pot luck gatherings. She is always late, and usually because
>she gets drastically lost every time she comes here. When she finally shows up she has a huge
>frozen lasagna. If she would bring something ready to go we could slap it on the table and get
>going, but as it stands, when she finally arrives we now have another hour.

This isn't making any sense. You know she's habitually late (she gets
lost so often you can count on it), so why don't you tell her to bring
dessert? Go ahead and eat, when she arrives you can have dessert. Of
course, hers won't be the ONLY dessert on the table... Save your
energy for things that really matter.