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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >, George
Shirley > wrote:

> TammyM wrote:
> > I would like to make a fruit butter for my type II diabetic mother
> > for Christmas (and any other time she fancies it...) I'm wondering
> > if anyone has a recipe for, say, a gingered pear butter using
> > Splenda, or some other type of fruit butter? Can the Splenda just
> > be substituted 1:1? I will want to BWB these, if possible. The
> > only preserving I've done in the past is standard jams, nothing
> > else.

> >
> > TammyM
> > Clueless in Sacramento

> I make pear butter and pear sauce without any added sweetner. Check your
> pears to be sure they are sweet enough and just proceed per any standard
> recipe but don't add sugar. I use Splenda on some things but Splenda
> doesn't "protect" your product in a BWB like sugar does. If you're
> willing to keep it in the fridge go ahead.
> Splenda can be used like sugar up to two cups only and that's according
> to the box. Don't know what happens after that.

Hey, Jorge -- I just saw an ad for something Splenda -- a half/half
mixture of sugar and Splenda, for baking. I think you should try that
and report back to Tammy. (She's a nice lady, BTW.)

> Oh yeah, I'm a type II diabetic and have been one for ten years now. If
> your Mom takes the carbs in sweet things into consideration she can eat
> them in moderation, or at least I do and adjust my other carbs to
> balance it. Lots of good info on the web about this subject but my
> experiments with Splenda confirm what the company says about their
> product.
> George

-Barb, <> Updated 10-22-04; Popovers!.
"Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
-Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.