On 04 Nov 2004 14:26:31 GMT, PAMBLOC (Derek
Carver) scribbled some thoughts:
NOTE: Best viewed in a fixed pitch font
>Last week I thought I'd found one.
>I now realise I most certainly haven't!
news:rec.food.recipes is a moderated newsgroup, which
unfortunately sometimes gets spammed due to the
headers/approval email being forged. However, not the idle
banter that goes on here. Recipes, and equivalents are
discussed there. Yoou can request recipes, but don't expect
immediate results. You can post recipes, but again. don't
expect immediate results. For a recipe to be posted, it
will need the usual, ingredient list, amounts of ingredients
and directions. You can include a little history on the
recipe and depending on their mood, they may/may not include
Sincerely, | (©) (©)
| ------ooo--(_)--ooo------
Andrew H. Carter | /// \\\
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