Kerry should run again in four years (OT)
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Pan Ohco
Posts: n/a
On 07 Nov 2004 04:38:35 GMT,
(Mikebulka) wrote:
>Kerry was a limp compromise candidate - few of us voted for him, we were all
>voting against the dubya regime.
>Karl Rove is a complete genius, albiet an evil one. He can control the
>ignorant and superstitious and easily distracted and fearful.
>If the Democratic Party will even survive, they will have to mount someone that
>Rush would have reason to call an extremist and self-avowed liberal.
>You don't turn a big country on a dime, and my guess for a compromise canditate
>next time is Hillary/Obarak Obama. But maybe even that is too much. We may
>have a police state by then.
>I suggest that some of us college-educated folks move to the Confederacy and
>try to educate our new neighbors about critical thinking.
Y'all come on down.
You may be surprised what you can learn.
Pan Ohco
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