"zenit" > wrote in message
> It's made of 18/10 stainless (no aluminum core) with horizontal
> handles but at $69.95 and free shipping from amazon.com, it may be
> time to ditch those disposables from Wal-Mart... It'll handle a good
> sized bird and stand up to the deglazing and whisking required to make
> a decent gravy better than those non-stick versions we all have hidden
> in our cabinets...
> For those of you who wish to spout off about All Clad's prices,quality
> or necessity--buzz off... A turkey can be cooked on a stick but a nice
> roasting pan is an investment with a return that can't be measured by
> an accountant's calculator... Cook's Illustrated agrees... So
> there...!
> <! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- >
> zenit
You certainly do not want a solid stainless pan for roasting. Stainless is a
****-poor heat conductor and while this won't matter in the oven it
certainly will on the stovetop when you are deglazing the pan, making gravy,
etc. I have a Calphalon roaster and it is great - while I generally do not
like this style of cookware it is good for this purpose. Conducts heat well,
indestructable surface, not too heavy. Not dishwasher safe, tho. For lasagna
the best pan I have ever seen is from le Creuset.
Peter Aitken
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