On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 23:23:10 -0600, zenit
> scribbled some thoughts:
NOTE: Best viewed in a fixed pitch font
>It's made of 18/10 stainless (no aluminum core) with horizontal
>handles but at $69.95 and free shipping from amazon.com, it may be
>time to ditch those disposables from Wal-Mart... It'll handle a good
>sized bird and stand up to the deglazing and whisking required to make
>a decent gravy better than those non-stick versions we all have hidden
>in our cabinets...
>For those of you who wish to spout off about All Clad's prices,quality
>or necessity--buzz off... A turkey can be cooked on a stick but a nice
>roasting pan is an investment with a return that can't be measured by
>an accountant's calculator... Cook's Illustrated agrees... So
><! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- >
What about a glass pan? Nah, I just looked at my pan, and
probably a chicken would fit, or a duck or goose. Probably
not one of the domesticated, probably human growth hormone
birds/force fed bird found in the supermarket.
What about an ostrich? THAT would be something! Got an
oven big enough, or would it be an open pit scenario?
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Andrew H. Carter | /// \\\
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