Nancy Howells > wrote in news:hnowells-
> I like to do a curried sweet potato dish. First peel, chop and boil
> your sweet potatoes (approximately 1/4 per every person). Drain, and
> mash. Add 1/2 stick butter (approximately 4 T) per every two whole
> sweet potatoes, and a tablespoon curry powder per every one whole sweet
> potato used. I like to use the Penzey's sweet curry powder - it's a
> little different, somehow. At this point, I add some ginger, just for
> kick, and you can, if you like, add some sweetening of some kind. I use
> Splenda, but I imagine if you're not worried about sugars, that brown
> sugar would work - do this to taste. Salt and pepper (using white
> pepper if possible) to taste, and then spread in a casserole dish. Add
> some chopped nuts, if desired, to the top, and broil for about 5
> minutes, just to get it cohesive in the casserole.
For some reason I have an aversion to mashed sweet potatoes, probably due
to too many casseroles of mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows. Yuck!
Your seasonings sound wonderful, however, and I wonder if they might be
just as good used in glazed sweet potatoes. I think I might just try that.
I also like the Penzey's Sweet Curry Powder. It reminds me of the Spice
island's Curry Poweder of yore, not to be confused with what they sell now.
Wayne in Phoenix
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.