In article >,
RMiller > wrote:
>>This year we're doing Thanksgiving with our neighbors, aka the Friday
>>night follies gang. None of us has family in the area. Thus far there
>>will be tomato bisque, turkey, cranberry-orange relish and pies. The
>>meal will be complicated by food allergies--one person is allergic to
>>walnuts, another to onions and garlic. The latter is the more touchy
>>issue foodwise--how to make stuffing without onions?
>Turkey stuffing with out onions is frightening to say the least. Here is a
>suggestion, make stuffing, take out a little bit BEFORE you put in the onions,
>that way if someone is allergic to onions they will not have to worry about
Excellent advice!
>Truthfully, I have never heard of an allergy to onions, but there is always
>something new to learn.
One of my best friends is horribly allergic to them. It makes cooking for
her a creative challenge some times, esp. as the other Best Bud is a
fishitarian and OBB's husband is an omnivore, but has discovered he is
horribly lactose intolerant.
I'm exploring Asian food options, big time. Taking a sushi making class.
But I have been known to keep portions out.
They will all be at Thanksgiving, but Onion Allergy will probably be told
to avoid the dressing (no problem as she loves mashed potatoes),
Fishitarian is getting a salmon steak, not turkey, and No Dairy will
probably take a lactaid or three and eat what he likes.