George Shirley > wrote:
: Melba's Jammin' wrote:
:> In article >, George
:> Shirley > wrote:
:>>>Hey, Jorge -- I just saw an ad for something Splenda -- a half/half
:>>>mixture of sugar and Splenda, for baking. I think you should try that
:>>>and report back to Tammy. (She's a nice lady, BTW.)
:> (snippage)
:>>I saw an ad in the paper this morning. Might have to give it a try.
:>>Tammy does sound like a nice lady. I wasn't rude was I? Didn't mean to
:> Not a bit!! I was just putting in a good word for her. She's an old
:> friend from rfc who posts here occasionally.
:> -Barb
: Oh good, I've been having micro strokes for the last month and was
: worried I had maybe said something out of line.
Not a'tall, Mr. Shirley, not a'tall. You were most helpful, and I'm
grateful to benefit from your expertise!