Thread: Hello, I am new
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Dan Goodman
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 20:35:24 -0500, Hillia CAT wrote:

> I have read some posts, loved the egg recipes, but do not know what
> cross-posting is,

Cross-posting is posting a message to more than one newsgroup. It's not
_always_ offensive; but (for example) if a message posted here is also
posted to alt.christian and alt.atheism plus fifteen other places, and
contains what's alleged to be a refutation of either Christianity or
atheism, this is considered bad manners. (Actually, it's considered to be
the act of a trouble-making piece of scum; and people who respond to it
without trimming the number of newsgroups are considered to lack the sense
God gave a turnip.)

You're welcome here, as far as I'm concerned.

> Would never want to offend

There are people who seem to be offended by the existence of the universe,
and sometimes they post here. If you offend one of them, don't worry about

> I have a recipe for Huevos Ranchero's ( Ranch Eggs) somewhere, it
> is to die for and easy,
> Hope I am not intruding, if so jusT let me know,
> I only like simple recipes, as I cannot stand up long enough to do
> really complicated ones.

To me, "complicated" and "takes a long time" aren't the same. There are
recipes which take only a short time, but which require doing a lot of
things in exactly the right order and for exactly the right amount of time.
And there are recipes which I consider simple because all you really have
to do is dump the right stuff into a pot, oven, or slow cooker, turn on the
heat, and forget about it for a while.

> I have some recipe's to share if I am welcome here,
> Thank you.

Dan Goodman
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.