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In article <f5Sld.40047$5K2.3281@attbi_s03>,
Julia Altshuler > wrote:

> geb wrote:
> > My grandson turns 1 in a couple of weeks, and I would like him to have a
> > cake
> > like every other kid, but he's allergic to eggs, wheat and milk. Can
> > anyone suggest a cake or cake-like dessert that would work?

> See if you can find a copy of _Natural Foods Cookbook: Vegetarian
> Dairy-Free Cuisine_ by Mary Estella. Her recipes are all egg and dairy-
> free. They do use whole wheat flour, but I've found that other flours
> substitute well. There are other cookbooks as well that meet your
> criteria for recipes. Search under "allergy," or "macrobiotic."

If you subsitute a non-gluten-containing flour (eg soy or rice) for the
wheat, don't forget to add guar gum or xanthan gum to make it stick
together -- it's like a gluten substitute. About 1/2 teaspoon per cup
of flour should work.

