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>Julia Altshuler writes:
>Anne Duhon wrote:
>> Does anyone have a real good recipe for this soup? I have tried a few
>> receipes but find them lacking. Anne

>Lacking in what, meat? Flavor? Texture? The trouble with most
>vegetarian vegetable soups is that people tend to be reluctant to go to
>the trouble of starting with a vegetable stock so they use water
>instead, and the soup ends up being flavorless and thin.

Not really necessary to prepare a vegetable stock for vegetable soup.

>For a vegetable stock, I use mushrooms and root vegetables like carrots,
>turnips and broccoli stalks. I boil them all together until all the
>liquid is released from the vegetables. The vegetables are strained
>out. Then I reduce the stock to roughly half its original volume. THEN
>I start making the soup. This seems wasteful, like making the soup
>twice, but it works.

Not necessary, nor would I ruin a great vegetable soup with broccoli, or any

>Next, brown onions and garlic in oil. You get flavor from the onions
>that way. Add your vegetables that can handle long cooking: carrots,
>turnips, potatoes, rutabaga, cauliflower.

Since when can cauliflower handle long cooking... actually none of those
veggies can.

Simmer them until soft in the
>stock that you made above. (That's NEW carrots and turnips, not the
>ones that were tossed after making the stock.) When done, add the
>vegetables that need quick cooking: kale, spinach, parsley,

No one would add all three to the sam epot, not unless they were preparing

>You might find that you want the soup thicker, more like puree than
>vegetables floating in broth. If that's it, put the soup in a blender
>before adding the soft vegetables. You could thicken it with roux too,
>but I like the blender method best.

Hahahahahaha... ain't ya ever heard of potatoes and okra, pasta, barley, rice,
beans... I don't believe you ever made any such soup, you totally made this up
as you typed. Anyone who has ever read the list of ingredients on a can of
Campbells Vegetarian Soup would know.

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