Mac 'n chee
When was it invented in a form we'd recognize today? Where? By whom?
What were its antecedents?
When did it first appear in America? Where? What was it like then?
Someone on a list I read provided a recipe that includes elbow
macaroni and cheddar cheese melted into a roux-based white sauce and
says "This recipe was passed down since 1791, as far as the family can
research and is pure plantation southern." The writer goes on to say,
"I cannot provide what was used by the family back in the 1700's.
However, I do have great aunts that might shed some light on this. For
the last 100 years, I know for certain this is the family recipe
handed down."
I'm profoundly skeptical that anything like macaroni and cheese was a
staple back that far. But I've been wrong about most things, so what
the hell...
I expect a full report on my desk in the morning.
Along with a sample of your best example.