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  #56 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a

The Cook wrote:

> I read this thread yesterday. In the afternoon the local paper came
> with a grocery store ad. Pomegranate juice. Think I will try some.
> This is in a grocery in a small, (pop. < 5000) rural town in the NC
> foothills. Could not believe it.

Isn't that funny. I saw somewhere, the health benefits of
pomegranate juice, hmm interesting. But really, they won't have
it at the store. The mail came shortly thereafter, I scanned the
local supermarket circular, what to my wondering eyes should appear?

Pom on sale. Well, la de da. Of course, I couldn't find it, but
it was a funny 'coincidence' ... aka, marketing blitz.
