Thread: Cornbread
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Terry Pulliam Burd
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 22:59:58 -0600, Levelwave© >

>Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> Took me about 30 seconds to google the following at

>I believe they asked for a 'tried and true recipe'... any moron can
>google a recipe... as we just saw.

Well, who p*ssed in your cornflakes? I figured "tried and true" did
not necessarily mean *my* tried and true and could possibly include
recipes from people who, say, ran B & Bs such as the above. Ya think?
If you'd looked at the website, you'd have known that. And having a
boss with celiac sprue, an intolerance for glutens, I'm somewhat
sensitive to the fact that gluten-free recipes are not easily come by.
Jaysus. See sig.

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"Just what kind of jackassery do I have to put up with today?" Danae
in "Non Sequitur"

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