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You are right about quitting being the hardest thing to do. I substituted
tooth picks for cigarettes. I put a box in each vehicle, and in each night
stand where I might set to watch TV. When I got the urge to smoke, I would
pop one of them in instead. I haven't smoked since 1983. Hang in there, we
are with you.


"Dog3" <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in message
> Melba's Jammin' >
> :
>> In article >,
>> (Lynn Gifford) wrote:
>>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in message
>>> >...
>>> > The National Turkey Federation is located in Washington, D.C.
>>> > How appropriate. :-)
>>> Appropriate though the best turkeys (IMHO) come from Minnesota - land
>>> of JennyO.
>>> Lynn from Fargo
>>> (Winner of the Fargo Forum's "Why did the Turkey Cross the Road?"
>>> contest
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> . . . to meet some chick named Jenny O"

>> LOL!!! Jennie Olsen will be proud (I think the original Jennie was an
>> Olsen - or Olson).

> I wonder if she is related to my deceased frind. Jack Olsen. He is
> considered the father of True Crime writing and I have been gifted with
> several of his books. Before I really knew Barb and Margaret, I was at
> his
> book signings many times in NY. Wish I could have gorged with the 2 of you
> on those trips. Jack and his wife would have loved both of you. I'm still
> yapping about the chicken we had Friday night. Jack's wife makes the most
> fabulous jewelry. I don't buy women's jewelry but I'll post the link if
> anyone is interested.
> Ob Food:
> Breakfast is an omelette with green pepper, mushrooms, white onion, jack
> cheese and some very hot salsa. I made the cubed potatoes with onion also.
> I'll be belching for hours. No toast today or bagel. Not in the mood. I
> almost did sunny side up instead of the omelette but I'm glad I chose the
> omelette. How do you like your eggs everyone? I like sunny side up but I
> just like eggs in general. I think my fave is deviled eggs but breakfast
> food has long been a huge favorite here. I was too lazy to do sausage or
> bacon. Making the potatoes in bacon or sausage grease with onion is a
> favorite with me. I can indulge in this binge only a little.
> Gosh, it'll be lunchtime shortly. Methinks I'll have a corned beef
> sandwich and some chopped liver at Kopperman's on my way back from the
> doctor and a check up. Red onion and chopped egg on the liver with some
> of
> those little bagel chips.
> Michael <- should weigh 500 pounds but doesn't-yet, day 3 of no smoking...
> Hardest thing to quit and I'm starving. Everything tastes terrific.
> --
> "I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house
> and four people died.
> -Steven Wright