Thread: Lipton Tea/Foam
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Michael Plant
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Helga 11/16/04

> Michael Plant > wrote in message
> >...
>> Helga
>>>> As for the foam, it is likely extremely fine dust and foreign
>>>> particles rising to the top as bulk teas in the US and Europe are dust
>>>> and refuse from the production room floor (personally verified to me
>>>> by the Sri Lankan consulate two weeks ago). We can just barely regard
>>>> that stuff as tea (percentage wise). This is just another reason why
>>>> the US government tries so hard to keep European companies like Lipton
>>>> from dumping their low-quality crap in the US by being the only
>>>> country in the world with tea import regulations (that don't seem to
>>>> work). Don't buy it. We should refuse that just like our founders did
>>>> in Boston harbor. (And Charleston harbor for history buffs out there.)
>>>> Viva la revolucion!
>>> This is slanderous and ikllogical - you need to take yourself to a tea
>>> processing factory in one of the tea producing countries and watch the
>>> making and grading of tea - Dust IS a grade of tea! Or for that matter
>>> talk to an expert in the processing and grading of tea - why oh why
>>> do these urban myths continue - what volume of tea would need to be
>>> swept to fill the worlds tea bag production? Tea would need to be
>>> even more uneconomic for the producers then it is if that was the
>>> volume of waste!!

>> Dust is crap. The question of whether it's swept off the floor or lovingly
>> produced for our consumption is irrelevant.

> Surely that is just a subjective statement, after all a lot of the
> worlds tea drinking population enjoy tea made from this particular
> grade and they can't all be thinking "this is crap" as they drink
> their tea. Tea is a drink of the masses in many societies what right
> have any of us to condem how they might enjoy it??

Yes, you are quite right. Dust is a tea for the masses, and it's crap. This
is an objective statement of fact that has nothing whatsoever to do with my
opinion, which might be different.
