"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
> Richard Kaszeta wrote:
>> I recommend shaking the addiction. Due to a very bad run-in with acid
>> reflux, I pretty much had to give coffee up cold turkey for almost a
>> year.
>> After a month of not drinking it (which was a bit rough), I found that
>> my energy level was much better (and my stomach and esophagus were
>> much happier), and that I actually functioned better without morning
>> stimulants. I'm back into drinking it, but only on an occasional basis,
>> and find
>> that I am now enjoying it a lot more than I used to (and, on the rare
>> occasions that I do need a pick-me-up, it's a *lot* more effective
>> than it used to be).
> Have you found any social repercussions to not drinking coffee as opposed
> to health ones? I'm the odd person who never started drinking coffee in
> the first place. My parents drank coffee, and I assumed I'd start
> drinking it in my teens as everyone else does except that I never grew to
> like it. I'd taste it, say bleah, and go several more years before
> tasting it again. At 46, the closest I ever come to coffee is coffee ice
> cream, and even there, I prefer other flavors.
> From time to time, I run into a situation where I'm the duck out of water
> for not wanting coffee. Maybe someone will think I'm being picky or high
> maintenance for asking for tea, or they'll think I'm a health nut and
> looking down my nose at them for drinking it. Most recently, my boss at
> work is nice as he can be when he goes to Starbuck's for coffee and asks
> the part timers if we'd like anything. I always say no and wonder if I'm
> being unsociable.
> --Lia
I don't think you need to worry about it. Some people prefer coffee, others
prefer tea. Tea is served almost everywhere that coffee is. Even
Starbuck's offers tea.
A good friend of mine never started drinking coffee, either. His drink of
choice is beer, though.
Jack Pekoe